Kolodziey vs. Kmart
Premises Liability – Negligent Design and Maintenance; Violation of National Electric Code. Two electricians suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 65% and 40% of their body surfaces in an electrical explosion, which created a fireball lasting 3-4 seconds and generating a temperature of 5000 degrees Fahrenheit, causing serious injury to plaintiffs.
Verdict of $34,000,000, plus $3,700,000 in pre-trial settlements.
Affirmed in full on appeal.
Desrosiers vs. Flight International
Failure to maintain navigation equipment on aircraft, wrongful death of one crew member, fractured skull and brain damage to second crew member.
Verdict $21,400,000.00 (This is believed to be the largest Personal Injury verdict ever awarded in the San Joaquin Valley).
Case ID Confidential
A 61 year old store planner severely burned during construction of a new store settled his negligence claim against the projects general contractor and electrical subcontractor for negligent installation of a jumper wire.
Settlement 3.6 million.
Rivera vs. Lorenzo Trust
Smoke inhalation, negligent failure to properly install and maintain smoke detector in an apartment.
Settlement $1,000,000.00

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Protecting Your Legal Rights

If you or someone you know has suffered a serious burn injury you should contact Burn Survivor Resource Community as quickly as possible. The Burn Survivor Resource Center was founded by Attorney Robert A. Brenner of www.brennerlaw.com. The sooner you start to preserve your legal rights, the sooner you will begin your journey to a complete recovery. The Burn Survivor Resource Community is dedicated to helping burn survivors restore their “economic dignity”. The Burn Survivor Resource Community handles burn injury cases nationwide.


After a severe burn injury, the burn survivor and the burn survivor’s family are faced with a number of serious issues requiring qualified professional legal advice. Some of the most important questions asked by the burn survivor and their family are:

  • How will past medical bills or the cost of future medical care be paid?
  • How will the family bills be paid?
  • Was the injury caused by the negligence of some other person, entity or product defect?

Whether or not a personal injury claim seeking compensation should be pursued?

A burn survivor’s legal right to compensation may include:

  • Payment of medical bills, past and future.
  • Compensation for loss of income, past and future.
  • Vocational rehabilitation (job retraining).
  • Compensation for pain and suffering. This may include compensation for the horrific pain and suffering that you have endured and may continue to endure into the future as a result of your injury as well as any cosmetic disfigurement.
  • Loss of consortium. The spouse of a burn survivor may be entitled to compensation when an injury is so severe that it interferes with the injured party’s spousal relations. This may include loss of support, services, love, companionship, society, affection, sexual relations.

If you, a family member, or someone you know has sustained a serious burn injury and you want to determine whether there exists a potential personal injury claim, please contact The Burn Survivor legal group now. Do not sit on your legal rights. It can never be too soon to act and protect yourself but it can be too late.




A burn injury can be caused by many different sources. Some of these include friction, electricity, and heat. A burn injury can vary greatly regarding the type of tissue that is affected by the burn injury, how severe the burn injury is, and the medical complications that result from a burn injury. Burn injuries can cause damage other than to the skin itself. A burn injury can affect the burn victim’s muscles, blood vessels, and bones as well. A burn injury causes the victim great pain due to damage to the nerve endings.


A burn injury can be fatal. There is a wide variety of major and potentially fatal complications the victim can experience form a burn injury including electrolyte imbalance, infection of the skin and muscles, shock, and respiratory injury. A burn injury can also cause distress emotionally and psychologically due to scarring and physical deformity.


This site is being offered as the premier one stop resource center to ensure professional information is made available to the burn survivor, to the many people who are searching for critical information on behalf of a loved one, to the family and to the professionals. We hope that this site will be able to assist you with valuable information, products and support that otherwise might not be easily available to you.


Although this website does provide essential burn-related medical information and legal counsel for victims seeking justice and compensation for their burn injuries, The Burn Survivor Resource Community is focused on creating the single largest burn survivor community in the world. We are dedicated to creating a place where victims can share their stories and find support and advice from other burn survivors, their loved ones, and burn care professionals who help victims recover from their tragic accidents. We invite you to join our community, and we hope that it provides you with the information and compassion that every burn survivor deserves.


Medical care during the first 48 hours after a burn injury occurs is the most critical. The challenge for healthcare professionals lies in getting burn patients through the initial stages of recovery, focusing on the prevention of fluid loss and preventing and controlling infection.


The Burn Survivor Resource Community will help burn victims and their family get sound legal advice regarding a victim’s entitlement to compensation for medical and family bills, as well as other services and help that can be of aid on their road to recovery.


While the physical recovery is extraordinarily difficult, the emotional recovery is equally challenging. Our community provides a a platform for survivors, their loved ones and their care-givers to share their stories and to provide one another with vital support and understanding.

For LEGAL assistance please call us at 844.669.7007


MEET OUR Burn Injury Attorney

Our Founder Robert A. Brenner leads a seasoned team of attorneys dedicated to helping burn survivors and their families receive compensation and recover from their injuries.


Robert Brenner

Burn Injury Attorney

Robert A. Brenner founded the Burn Survivor Resource Center in 2001.  For over 40 years Mr. Brenner has dedicated himself to helping victims and their families. Because he has witnessed the devastation caused by so many terrible burn accidents, Mr. Brenner works diligently to educate people on how to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of a catastrophic burn injury.

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